Walkable Woodfords Corner: Focus on Interesting and Comfortable
FWC works toward greater walkability in Woodfords Corner. We want a hub that is safe, useful, interesting, and comfortable. Year-round, we keep these factors in mind as our Active Transportation team works on the safety, our Economic Vitality team works on the usefulness, and our Green and Clean team work on the interesting and comfortable aspects. Read more >>>
Join our Jane’s Walk on Saturday May 7th at 2 PM. Free and no registration required.
More events happen in Woodfords Corner than we can promote in our e-news.
To see more of the hyperlocal options, visit woodfordscorner.org!
Wednesday, May 4 - Sunday, May 15: Back Cove
Books Pop-Up @ Coveside Coffee
28 Vannah Avenue — See Coveside Coffee hours
Back Cove Books will be holding a pop-up shop at Coveside Coffee from Weds. May 4th - Sun. May 15th. Please stop by to grab a coffee and chat books with Becca and some members of her team. Read more >>>
Saturday, May 7: Jane's Walk (and Talk) Street Art in
Woodfords Corner
540 Deering Avenue — 2-3:30pm
Jane’s Walk is a global festival of free, volunteer-led walking conversations inspired by community activist Jane Jacobs. Jane’s Walks combine the simple act of exploring a place with personal observations, local history, and civic engagement. The annual Jane’s Walk festival takes place the first weekend in May, in more than 200 cities and towns around the globe.
Join neighbors for a community walk and talk about looking at street art in Woodfords Corner. Read more >>>
Saturday, May 7: Trinity Park Spring Clean-Up
576 Forest Avenue — 8:30am - 12pm
Come meet some neighbors and have fun while helping to beautify our neighborhood park. Coffee and other refreshments will be available. Rendezvous in the park. Tools will be available, but if you have ones that you prefer to use or are willing to share, please bring them. And don't feel you need to spend the whole morning at it... if you can only spare an hour or two, that's fine! (Rain day, Sunday, May 8, noon to 3 pm).
Please direct questions to Davis, davis.hartwell@gmail.com.
Saturday, May 21: Deering Avenue Planter Assembly
576 Forest Avenue — 8:30am - 12pm
The Deering Avenue planters are returning this month! They will be blooming bigger and better than ever. If you'd like to join us in assembling the planters we'd love the help! We are also looking for 4-6 volunteers who could sign up for regular shifts (once every other week) throughout the summertime to water our Deering Ave. planters.
Please email us at volunteer@woodfordscorner.org to learn more and sign up
Saturday, May 21: Backyard Fermentation!
57 Revere Street — 3-4 pm
Would you like to preserve the bounty of Maine’s wonderful Farmer’s Markets? Would you like to learn about what’s really going on down there? How to encourage the right environment for your ferment and how do microbes outside interact with our insides? What is our microbiome and why should we care about its health? Join the workshop to explore the delicious and interesting world of fermentation-friendly microbes, and how our digestion and overall health benefits from our symbiotic relationship with microorganisms. Read more >>>
$20 per person for both ferments! Materials list provided upon registration. Register here
Save the Date!
Join neighbors and area horticulture lovers for the 2022 Woodfords Community Garden Tour, and enjoy this second annual self-guided tour of 12 gardens—6 returning & 6 new—throughout the Woodfords Corner Community in Back Cove, Deering Highlands, Oakdale, and Deering Center.

Sammy's Scoops is Open!
Walk on over to Sammy's Scoops at 51 Ocean Avenue to welcome the team back for the summer! They are open for the season—spring hours are 3:00 pm-7:00 pm daily.
Trinity leads four churches in packing 30,000 meals for Ukraine
On April 9, Peter Swarr, priest of Trinity Episcopal Church, gathered 85 volunteers from Trinity and three other congregations (Woodfords Congregational, St Peter’s Episcopal and First Church in Yarmouth) to pack 30, 000 meals to ship to the refugees in western Ukraine. Read more >>>
Moose Historical Fencing—Thursdays @ Trinity Church
Want to learn to sword fight? Moose Historical Fencing is a fencing club in Portland, Maine devoted to the study and training of the medieval longsword. We are committed to the reconstruction of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) studying once lost systems of combat, which have been resurrected from original period sources into living systems we can practice today. Read more >>>
Coming Soon: Back Cove Books—Woodfords Corner is getting a bookstore!
Woodfords Corner is getting a bookstore! After a year of waiting for the perfect location, Back Cove Books has found a landmark of a home in the Odd Fellows building at 651 Forest Avenue. Slated for a Fall 2022 opening, Back Cove Books will be a general interest bookstore focusing on the cultivation of a diverse inventory and an atmosphere centered around the feeling of belonging. Read more >>>
To stay informed about Back Cove Books’ next steps towards their Fall 2022 opening, follow them on Instagram (@backcovebooks) and signup for their email newsletter at here.
FWC Springtime Call for Volunteers!
Spring has sprung, and FWC is looking for volunteers to help with its warm-weather projects. In particular, we need:
- 4-5 volunteers to help put up Garden Tour posters during the weeks of May 30 & June 6
- 6 volunteers to help out at the Garden Tour on Sat., June 11 (June 12 as the rain date), especially 2 volunteers who could take great photographs!
If you're interested & available in lending a hand in any of these capacities, please email us at volunteer@woodfordscorner.org to learn more and sign up!
Question of the Month: tell us what you think!
Each month we're asking one (1) question to hear from YOU! Answer the question to be entered to win a fun prize – this month, a $25 gift card to Rose Foods!
Last month we asked what aspects of WC history you'd like to learn about most. 78% of respondents reported wanting to learn more about cultural history, 56% reported wanting to learn about the architecture of the neighborhood, and 44% reported being interesting in the histories of individual community members/families. Thank you to everyone who participated! Check out Greater Portland Landmarks for a tidbit about the Corner.
Month Question:
How would you rate walkability in the Corner? To see how walkscore.com rates Woodfords Corner click here
Thank you to our Rain Road Clean-Up Volunteers!
Thank you to those who came out to help us in our 8th annual RR clean-up. A special shout out to Pan Am RR staff Rick, Chris and Ford for safety and City of Portland staff for loaning the needed equipment and supplies. Read more>>>
Complete the Deering Avenue Infrastructure Survey
Did you get the opportunity to fill out our infrastructure survey last year? If not, we have a new survey for our neighbors to complete as we gear up to re-install this Summer. Please share your thoughts with us here >>>
Shaws Give Back Where it Counts Program!
Today is launch day for the Shaw's Give Back Where it Counts Program! Starting today and for the entire month of May, when you purchase a $2.50 reusable Give Back Where it Counts Bag at the Shaw's located at 1364 Congress Street, $1 is donated to FWC, unless otherwise directed by the customer through the Giving Tag attached to the bag.
For more information about the program, please visit shaws.bags4mycause.com
Graffiti Prevention, Reporting and Removal
Let’s help property owners and the city deal with the increased graffiti in the Woodfords Corner area. Tagging buildings is an eyesore and a crime, as well as a hassle and expense for business owners. The city has a Graffiti Buster Program to help prevent, report, and remove graffiti. Property owners - the program has a contract with Audet Enterprises to rapidly remove graffiti at no cost to you but you need to provide authorization. There are 3 ways to help - and residents can really help by reporting. Read more >>>
Support Friends of Woodfords Corner!
If you appreciate the work that Friends of Woodfords Corner is doing to help make the Corner an even more safe, walkable, welcoming, and vibrant neighborhood hub? Join us in our efforts: make a donation to Friends of Woodfords Corner today! As a token of our appreciation for gifts of $25 or more, you’ll receive a “Hopeful: together we can” lawn sign delivered right to your home.
FWC & Main Street America
In 2019 (a mere 3 years ago) Friends of Woodfords Corner became a Main Street Affiliate, and we thought it might be time to explain what this means for our organization and our community, and how how this makes us unique among many varied community groups in the Portland area! Learn more>>
Join Our Team: Volunteer for Friends of Woodfords Corner!
Join us in our efforts to foster a thriving, welcoming, and sustainable village hub in Woodfords Corner, and make an impact on your community! We're always looking for more volunteers for our committees and folks who want to serve as board members. Complete one of the forms, linked below, to inquire and learn more!